Common agrimony Herbal Tea (Lot. Agrimonia eupatoria)

2 oz / 50 grams
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In folk medicine, A. eupatoria is used as an infusion, decoction or tincture from the aerial parts (i.e. stem, leaves and flowers). It is mostly used to treat acute diarrhea, inflammation of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, and to restore the alcohol-damaged liver. It is one of the strongest immune-boosting plants – hence the title – the Queen of Herbs. First and foremost feature of this herb is to take care of the liver, spleen, pancreas, the herb is able to overcome jaundice and even cirrhosis of the liver and etc.

In summary, it can be said that the use of Agrimonia eupatoria pharmacy can help with most common diseases in modern society: various forms of hepatitis, diabetes, stomach and intestinal, cardiovascular, skin diseases, kidney and urinary tract diseases, upper respiratory tract. Soils have an active antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic, analgesic effect.
Its use is safe and non-toxic.

Common agrimony, Agrimonia eupatoria


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Active ingredients

In terms of biological activity, extracts or fractions obtained from this plant species have antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, antinociceptive (pain controlling) and anti-inflammatory properties.,tannic substances, bitter substances, silicon compounds, essential oil, organic acids, flavone quercitin, K, B group, PP and C vitamins, ascorbic acid, mineral substances, tannins, choline.

The medicinal raw material is the above-ground part of the plant. The flower is cut in July before the fruits are ripe. It is dried spread in a thin layer in a well-ventilated room protected from the sun. The dried herb should have a weak smell and a bitter taste.

Healing properties

Group: For the respiratory system, For pain, For the activity of the cardiovascular system, For the digestive system and metabolism

The first and most important feature of this herb is to manage the liver, spleen, pancreas, capable of overcoming jaundice and even cirrhosis of the liver. So it can be a real salvation for those who have already finished their keg of beer, and for those who are still drinking it.

Agrimonia eupatoria, by cleaning the liver and the whole body, will help drive out allergies, psoriasis, rashes, and parasites. A strong decoction chases away angina, disinfects the mouth, washes the vocal cords for singers. It is good to drink Agrimonia eupatoria tea in case of anemia, rheumatism, loins. According to the old books on herbalism, it also cures diseases of the kidneys, bladder, heart, stomach – that is, almost everything.
It is used as an antidiarrheal and expectorant herb, to treat cystitis or bronchitis.

Since it is non-toxic, it is also suitable for small children – for coughs, diarrhea, and for older children who wet the bed at night after falling asleep. Agrimonia eupatoria help for blood sugar in type 2 diabetes, strengthens immunity in leukemia, myeloma.

A good “cleanser” for chronic rashes. Stops internal bleeding – uterus, lungs.

Antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral effectiveness
The plant Agrimonia eupatoria has been proven to have an effect against specifically the following pathogens:

in skin wounds infected with Staphylococcus aureus;
Malassezia furfur – the cause of multi-colored resin;
Escherichia coli – the causative agent of intestinal and urinary tract infection;
Pseudomonas aeruginosa – the cause of green, “moldy” nail syndrome;
Vibrio cholerae – causes a dangerous intestinal infection, cholera;
Helicobacter pylori – cause ulcers in the lining of the stomach or upper small intestine.
H1N1 and H3N2 influenza A virus;
influenza B virus;
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2);
hepatitis B virus (HBV);
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) .

Anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects
has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect;
prevents many unwanted events in the circulatory system: inflammation of blood vessels, thrombosis;
In the early stage of bacterial infection, the soil stimulated the defense response by regulating cytokine production;
reduces tumor necrosis;
body from oxidative stress.

The plant has an extremely wide spectrum of pharmacological activity – choleretic (bile-stimulating), astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, expectorant, diuretic, hemostatic (stops bleeding) and normalizes metabolism.
In the scientific medicine of Western countries and in the folk medicine of most Eastern countries, A. eupatoria is used as a regulator of metabolic processes – for the treatment of patients with mineral and sugar metabolism disorders – suffering from various types of diabetes (diabetes). Soil preparations inhibit α-glucosidase, have an antidiabetic effect and play an important role in regulating glucose metabolism

From a scientific point of view, the properties of Agrimonia eupatoria are determined by its phytochemical composition. It is rich in phenolic acids, flavonoids and tannins. The most commonly found compounds are astragalin, cinnaroside, hyperoside, isoquercitrin, isovitexin, rutin, catechin, procyanidin B3, and agrimoniin.

In terms of biological activity, the extracts or fractions obtained from this plant species have antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, antinociceptive (pain controlling) and anti-inflammatory properties. They also have a protective role in cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders.

The safety of using the soil has been clinically proven. Therefore, the researchers recommend using the plant more widely and boldly than it is used in traditional ethnomedicine. The beneficial effects of the plant in the treatment of intestinal infections and bladder atony (urinary incontinence) have been thoroughly studied.
Attention: Only one case should not be used medicinal earth – in case of severe constipation.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

A weaker tea is used: 2-4 teaspoons of the herb are brewed with a cup of hot water and kept for several hours. Drink a cup a day.

Inflammations of the digestive tract, colitis, intestinal inflammations are also treated with this decoction. It is recommended for inflammations of the liver and bile ducts, cirrhosis, and jaundice. Weak tea is used. It also helps against gallstones that have formed or are forming. Given to children for diarrhea.

A decoction is used to gargle the throat, it helps against cough and hoarseness. Stronger teas are used. 20 g of dry mass is boiled in 200 g of water, maintained for 2-3 hours. The throat is rinsed with a warm decoction. Suitable for people who talk a lot – conference speakers, event hosts, singers

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