Common colt’s-foot, leaf Tea / Lot.Tussilago farfara, folium

2 oz / 50 grams


One of the first herbs in the spring is Tussilago farfara. Tussilago farfara (lot. Tussilago farfara) are among the most popular medicinal plants used in folk medicine to treat various diseases throughout Europe. The early-blooming, sun-like flowers have long been used to treat various inflammations, coughs, and other respiratory diseases. Doctors advise to treat upper respiratory tract and lung diseases, bronchial asthma and angina with decoctions and infusions and teas of Tussilago farfara. Tea from Tussilago farfara flowers is an excellent remedy for inflammatory diseases. It helps expectoration, promotes sweating.
According to herbalists, Tussilago farfara is one of the most effective plants capable of killing bacteria and viruses. It is an indispensable medicine against various inflammations of the body. Both flowers and stems heal.

Common colt's-foot, leaf / Tussilago farfara, folium


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Active ingredients

The leaves of coltsfoot contain up to 2.63% bitter glycosides, sitosterol, malic, tartaric, palmitic and stearic acids, saponins, 5.18 mg% carotenoids, 5 mg% ascorbic acid, inulin, and dextrin, tannins and 15.4-18.2% of mineral substances, vitamin C.

Healing properties

Tussilago farfara is often used as a natural remedy for inflammatory conditions such as asthma and gout-arthritis, which cause swelling and joint pain.
In order to make tea for medicinal purposes, you can use both sedum flowers and only their leaves in recipes. The green part of the plant contains mucilaginous compounds, acids and tannins, while the flowers contain more flavonoids, phytosterols, sitosterol. Both dried and tussilago farfara can be used for teas and decoctions, as their healing properties are equally effective.

In fact, an infusion or decoction of tussilago farfara, especially in mixtures with other herbs selected for this purpose, is a good friend of the throat, bronchi, and lungs, so it is suitable in all cases when you say “I have the flu”, whether it is a real flu or a common cold – both in these cases, you need to help your throat, bronchi, trachea, and lungs, especially since the active ingredients of tussilago farfara also stimulate breathing, which is important for asthmatics.

Important news for asthmatics should be the fact that the active ingredients of tussilago farfara suppress the cause of an asthma attack in the body. By the way, the Latin name of the plant comes from the Latin word tussis – cough. The mucus from the leaves of the tussilago farfara not only helps the respiratory organs – the mucus gently and reliably covers the stomach lining as well. Since, in addition to mucus, the leaves of tussilago farfara contain a dozen other active substances, which, as mentioned, reduce inflammation and suppress spasms, this plant can almost with a hundred percent guarantee help in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

So, the flowers, stalks, leaves and rhizomes of tussilago farfara will help to overcome various inflammations. Tussilago farfara is one of the main plants that relieve cough.

Tussilago farfara tea is brewed. Boil 1 tablespoon of dried tussilago farfara in half a liter of water. Such an infusion is drunk in one day – three times. Drink only a warm drink.

An effective infusion with tussilago farfara. Pour 1 tablespoon of tussilago farfara flowers and leaves into a glass of boiling water, cover the container and place it in another container with boiling water. Heat for 15 minutes. When cool, strain. Dilute the resulting liquid a little with boiled water and store in a cool place. The infusion is drunk half a glass 2 times a day before meals. Improves digestion, increases appetite, eases breathing.

It is recommended to mix tussilago farfara with nettles, nettles, calendula – then the effect against various inflammations is even more effective. And if you mix tussilago farfara with dried olive blossoms, you get an effective remedy for joint inflammation.

1 tablespoon of bay leaves, 200 ml of boiling water,honey to taste
Preparation: pour 1 tablespoon of Tussilago farfara leaves with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10-15 minutes and strain.
Add honey to taste and you can drink.

Warning! However, it should be noted that Tussilago farfara in large quantities can harm health. Immoderate amounts or long-term use of Tussilago farfara preparations can cause liver diseases. Research shows that preparations made from Tussilago farfara should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is also not advisable to use in case of anemia, heart disease.

+ Holiday Gift for You- 1 pc. Natural Healthy Tea Set


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