Common heather, grass Tea / Lot. Calluna vulgaris, herba

2 oz / 50 grams
(1 customer review)


Traditionally, heather is used to treat urinary tract and kidney diseases. Heather has a disinfecting, antiseptic, cleansing, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the formation of urine, reduces the amount of fluids and salts in the body. Recommended for treating obesity, prostatitis, gastritis. It is suitable for rinsing the throat and mouth when suffering from angina, tonsillitis, stomatitis. Heathers have a relaxing, calming and hypnotic effect, they are used in the treatment of insomnia, increased nervous irritability, atherosclerosis. Heather tea is good for colds, when the temperature rises, it eases expectoration. The decoction of heather is used for soothing and disinfecting baths, and also has hair-strengthening properties.

Heather flowers are used in the production of alcoholic beverages.

It is not recommended to use heather in case of chronic constipation, increased blood coagulation.

Common heather, grass / Calluna vulgaris, herba


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Active ingredients

Active ingredients of the common heather: flavonic glycosides (ericin, quercetin, myricitrin, quercitrin), minerals, tannins, alkaloid ericodine, phenolic glycoside arbutin, saponins, methylarbutin, citric and fumaric acids.

Healing properties

Folk medicine uses heather to treat a wide range of ailments.
It is used to relieve expectoration, to treat wounds and burns, joint, kidney, and respiratory diseases. The calming and antiseptic properties of the plant are known, it acts as a sedative and has an astringent effect.
It is indicated that heather tea is good for colds and high temperatures.
A decoction of the flowers has been used for insomnia, increased nervous irritability.
It contains organic acids, calcium, potassium, starch, carotene, phosphorus, sodium, flavonoids, tannins and minerals. Heather has a disinfecting, antiseptic, cleansing, anti-inflammatory effect, heals wounds, stimulates the formation of urine in the kidneys, reduces the amount of fluids and some salts in the body, relieves expectoration, and soothes.
It is important to know that heather preparations should not be used by those with stomach problems, low acidity, chronic constipation and increased blood clotting.

* If you complain of insomnia, atherosclerosis, dizziness, nervous system disorders, a decoction of young heather shoots will help you.
How to make. Pour 2 tablespoons of heather grass into a liter of water and cook on low heat for about 10 minutes. Leave to rise for 4-5 hours, covered in a warm place. Then strain and drink as tea.

If you have inflammation of the bladder, rheumatism, or stones in the liver, drink this tea (100 ml) three times a day before meals.
* This drink helps with obesity, cholecystitis, prostatitis, gastritis, neurosis:
Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped grass with 400 ml of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain and drink 100 ml four times a day.
With the same decoction, rinse your throat in case of angina or tonsillitis and mouth – if you suffer from stomatitis.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

Young heather twigs with rings and leaves are dried in the fresh air, in the shade, after being cut into small pieces and spread on a material or a clean sheet of paper. Cardboard boxes and jars are suitable for storing heather grass. Good for 2 years.

+ Holiday Gift for You- 1 pc. Natural Healthy Tea Set


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1 review for Common heather, grass Tea / Lot. Calluna vulgaris, herba
  • 5 out of 5

    Did not believe but helped a lot due to kidney inflammation and bladder priblems.Very thankful HealthyTea AJl!

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