Wild pine, bud (lot. Pinus sylvestris, gemma)

2 oz / 50 grams
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Used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Pine baths strengthen nerves, relax after strenuous work. A decoction of needles is drunk against scurvy, and washes are placed on non-healing wounds.

Wild pine, bud / Pinus sylvestris, gemma


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Active ingredients

Pine buds contain up to 1.5% of essential oil (pinene, limonene), tannins, bitter (pinicycrine), resin.
The needles contain vitamin C, alkaloids, vitamins D, K, E, B2, P. Can be used as a tea, infusion or syrup.

Healing properties

Pine buds are included in the composition of herbal mixtures that promote urine excretion and improve expectoration.Pine bud preparations have antitussive, antimicrobial, urinary and biliary excitatory effects.
Used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Other substances in pine buds have an antibacterial effect, killing viruses.

Pine buds have long been used as the best cough medicine in folk medicine. Fresh or dried pine buds are poured with 40-degree alcohol in a ratio of 1:2, kept in a dark place for 14 days, and then strained. It is usually taken from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of bitters in half a glass of water 1-3 times a day. The amount varies as it depends individually on each person. Drinking pine bud tea is not recommended because the resins in the buds can irritate the stomach and kidneys. People prone to allergies should also use pine preparations more carefully.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

Pine buds are rich in essential oil, bitter substances, flavonoids, carotene. Preparations made from pine buds effectively kill bacteria (especially pathogenic flora of the respiratory tract), relieve pain, activate mental activity, strengthen immunity and destroy some disease-causing viruses.
Other substances present in pine buds have an antibacterial effect and kill viruses.

Boil a teaspoon of crushed pine buds in a glass of water, drink half a glass a day – colds will disappear. However, it should not be forgotten that tree buds irritate the kidneys, so those with chronic kidney diseases should use such teas with caution.

Preparations of pine buds suppress inflammation, are used to relieve expectoration, treat respiratory diseases, they stimulate the release of urine and bile. In folk medicine, a decoction of pine buds is used to treat bronchitis and rheumatism. An infusion and a decoction are made from the buds.

The decoction is made as follows: 1 tablespoon of raw material is poured into 200 ml of water and boiled for 30 minutes. over low heat. After that it is strained. Drink 10 ml 2-3 times a day after meals. Breathing in the steam of such a boiled preparation helps against cough, only then the decoction is made stronger – 2 spoons of raw material in 100 ml of water.

Pine buds are a wound-healing, regeneration-stimulating agent.

An excellent remedy for lung diseases. It liquefies and helps remove secretions from the bronchi, cleans the sinuses. Recommended for colds, flu, sore throat, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Kidney, bladder, respiratory tract, mucous diseases, rheumatism are treated with pine buds.

A decoction of the buds stimulates the excretion of urine and facilitates expectoration, helps with arthritis, and rinses the oral cavity with it.

It is recommended to pick pine buds that are already swollen in April. Swollen but not yet opened pine buds contain the most active medicinal substances. That’s when, in dry weather, you need to pick the buds and prepare medicinal raw material from them.

Buds that have spread or started to spread are not suitable. Collected from trees at least 10 years old and only from side and lower branches. They are cut with a part of the stem no longer than 3 mm, so that 5-6 buds are stuck together. They are dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated room. It can also be dried in the sun. Do not tumble dry. Dried buds should be 5-6 clusters, pinkish brown, brownish green or dark brown, bitter, resinous smell. Suitable for use up to 2 years.

It is recommended to make a spirit infusion of pine buds:


1. Pour 20 g of buds into a glass of 40-degree vodka, keep in a closed bottle for 14 days and strain.

2. 15 tablespoons (150 grams) for half a liter of 70-degree spirit. Allow to settle for 14 days, strain. It is recommended to use 1 tablespoon in half a glass of water 3 times a day for bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Pine preparations should not be used in case of high blood pressure, allergy to pine. Pine preparations are not used in case of kidney and liver diseases.

Infusions and decoctions of pine buds treat diseases of the respiratory organs, scurvy, they stimulate the release of urine, and facilitate expectoration.

Decoction of pine buds:
Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed pine buds with 1 glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour on low heat, strain. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day after meals. A decoction of pine buds is used for bronchitis, rheumatism, dropsy, and to stimulate the release of bile.

Make pine bud oil for effective pain relief:
collect small knotted pine buds, put them in a bottle, cover with olive oil and heat for 8-10 hours in a warm oven or hot water bath. It is recommended to apply pine bud oil to painful areas in case of rheumatism, radiculitis, gout.

You can collect pine buds from the forest, from which a wonderful aromatic drink is made:
We pour 2-3 handfuls of buds into a three-liter jar, add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar and keep it for 3-4 days after pouring it with cold water. You have no idea how great the drink turns out. And its benefits for a weakened body after winter are huge.

Pine bud tea. Eases expectoration, promotes the release of bile and urine. Tea is not suitable for those with kidney disease. 10 gr. put pine buds in a thermos, boil 200 ml. of boiling water, allow to absorb. Strain and drink 0.5 glasses 2-3 times a day after a meal.

Pine Bud Syrup:
Cover the pine buds with sugar, and even better with honey, and place them in a sunny place for three days. Strain the resulting syrup. Prevention and treatment of flu, cough – 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. For children – half a teaspoon.

You can prepare pine syrup from the pine buds collected in April and May: wash the freshly collected buds, put them in an enameled pot, add sugar as much as there are buds, add water so that it just covers the buds. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. After that, cool and bring to a boil again and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 more times. Strain and store the syrup in the refrigerator.

Pine needles are an excellent source of vitamins

1. Pour 4-5 tablespoons of chopped twigs with thorns into a thermos with 1 liter of boiling water, close and leave overnight. Strain in the morning and drink the entire decoction during the day – in case of fatigue, vitamin deficiency, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma. This infusion can be used to cleanse the body, e.g. in cancer, at the cellular level. These are the most important diseases treated by pine branches with needles; helps with hemorrhoids, diseases of the oral cavity and gums, paralysis and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

2. Pour 4 glasses of crushed pine needles with one liter of cold boiled water. Place in a dark place for 2-3 days. Strain. It is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses a day after meals – a useful vitamin drink.

Chop pine needles, pour oil, keep in a dark, warm place for 14 days, shaking constantly. Strain. A good remedy for the skin.

Baths with extract or decoction of pine needles remove ailments caused by fatigue, drowsiness, have a calming effect on the nervous system, are effective in skin diseases.



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1 review for Wild pine, bud (lot. Pinus sylvestris, gemma)
  • 5 out of 5

    Very healthy tea. Thanks!❤

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