Great nettle, leaf Tea/Lot. Urtica dioica, folium

2 oz / 50 grams

£11.00 £9.90

Nettle is a remedy for many diseases. In traditional medicine, nettle is used to stop bleeding, to treat anaemia, nettles are used as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, they treat wounds, and constipation.

Great nettle, leaf / Urtica dioica, folium

£11.00 £9.90

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Active ingredients

Nettle is a plant that is very rich in calcium, and the calcium in this plant is in the form of carbonate, so it is safe for the kidneys at high doses. In terms of protein content, nettle is equivalent to legumes. Nettle fibre contains lignin and cellulose polysaccharides with C, K, E, B group vitamins. They help remove toxins. B carotene improves vision. And, of course, nettles are rich in amino acids, trace elements that, together with vitamins, strengthen and heal the human body. Leaves are rich in vitamins.

Healing properties

In the spring, when the body weakens, it’s time to take care of your body with vitamins. Nettle leaves are rich in vitamin C, carotene – provitamin A, K. B group vitamins. In addition, the leaves contain protein, starch, sugar, tannins, organic acids and iron salts, many trace elements; calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, etc.
Nettle can rightly be called a natural multivitamin.
Nettle is a remedy for many diseases. In traditional medicine, nettle is used to stop bleeding, to treat anaemia, nettles are used as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, they treat wounds, and constipation. Nettle preparations (tea or infusions) are suitable for liver and gallbladder diseases, kidney stones, rheumatism, bronchitis, tuberculosis, nerve attacks, skin diseases. Nettles are also used to treat stomach cramps, long-term constipation.
Nettle tea promotes urine production and improves metabolism, so it is used in rheumatism, gout and liver and gallbladder diseases. Nettle tea also helps treat prostate ailments. Nettles have a memory-enhancing effect when mixed with oil.
Nettle, chamomile and rosemary tea with apple cider vinegar is used to rinse hair. Researchers have been able to prove that nettles contain substances that promote the excretion of urine.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

However, it should be remembered that nettle tea should not be drunk if fluids accumulate in the body due to kidney and heart failure. Also, nettles should not be used in the presence of increased blood clotting.
It is used in anaemia, diabetes, paresis, paralysis, arthritis. Nettle preparations are also used as a diuretic in prostatic hyperplasia (helps to empty the bladder completely). Nettle infusion is drunk in case of metabolic disorders, lack of trace elements. It also treats skin diseases, burns and difficult-to-heal wounds, inflammation of the joints and nerves, rheumatism, diarrhoea. Nettles are very nutritious. Nettle is not only nutritious, it speeds up metabolism, helps to lose weight without feeling hungry. Nettles are beneficial not only for health but also for beauty. Nettle infusion will remove dark circles under the eyes, make skin and hair more beautiful.
Nettles are not suitable for people with increased blood clotting, hypertensive disease and atherosclerosis. This plant is also not suitable for women bleeding due to cysts, polyps and other tumours of the uterus and its appendages. Nettle is a remedy for many diseases. In traditional medicine, nettle is used to stop bleeding, to treat anaemia, nettles are used as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, they treat wounds, and constipation.

+ Holiday Gift for You- 1 pc. Natural Healthy Tea Set


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