Horseradish, tuber Tea (lot. Armoracia, rhizoma)

2 oz / 50 grams

£14.00 £12.60

Research has shown that powerful natural chemicals found in horseradish can help protect against infections caused by microbes and bacteria, including E. coli.


Horseradish, tuber / Armoracia, rhizoma

£14.00 £12.60

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Active ingredients

Horseradish leaves are rich in proteins. This is an indication that horseradish leaves are very nutritious but low in calories, as 100 g of horseradish leaves contains only 64 calories. Horseradish leaves also contain B vitamins, vitamins C and E, nicotinic acid; the most popular minerals: magnesium, calcium and potassium; biologically active substances; various essential oils; semi-saturated fatty acids; glucose and starch; fibre.

Healing properties

Horseradish is a powerful natural antibiotic that kills microbes and bacteria that cause many types of diseases.

Horseradish root tincture is recommended for physical and mental exhaustion. It is also advisable to use it against bad breath.
Remembering the stories of older people, there was a bucket of water in the house with a few horseradish roots soaking in it. The water in the bucket stayed fresh for a long time, it tasted good due to the antibacterial properties of horseradish, which help to heal inflammations of the oral mucosa, throat, and old wounds. Elderly people who drank such water with horseradish extract reduced the symptoms of rheumatism, revived joints, and felt lightness in the legs. Probably horseradish-saturated water helps the body remove excess uric acid, helps dissolve salt deposits and get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood vessels.

Part of Healthy Teas AJ

Spirit tincture is also made from horseradish leaves is effective in the treatment of liver diseases, including viral hepatitis and cirrhosis, disorders of metabolic processes, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Suitable for the treatment of diseases in both men and women.
It is advisable to apply horseradish root tincture compresses to the cheek on the side where the tooth aches.
Horseradish flower tincture helps with oncological diseases.
This tincture for the prevention and treatment of various ailments should be in every home – it is not known when relatives may need it.
Helps to overcome any infectious diseases, normalizes blood sugar levels, helps in the treatment of rheumatism and gout, cardiovascular diseases, promotes bile secretion, kills bacteria of purulent infections.

To relieve muscle pain and improve blood circulation in the skin: grind fresh horseradish roots into a puree, apply the puree to a linen cloth and apply it to the skin. The pungent substances in horseradish warm the skin, activate blood circulation, effectively relieve pain.

Horseradish root infusion: pour a spoonful of horseradish roots in a glass of boiling water, heat for 5 minutes and leave to stand for half an hour. Such an infusion should be drunk during the day, in small sips.


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